Saturday, January 22, 2011

This is why I'm fat...

I had to get the Danger Ranger emission tested, so I did that this morning. The closest emissions testing place to me is in Eastern Baltimore, in the industrial wasteland near Pulaski Highway - filled with junkyards, strip clubs, and check-cashing joints. After passing the emissions test, I decided to treat myself to a sandwich from Chapps (as seen on the food network), which is scenically located in the parking lot of a strip club.

This is what I got - the "Jenny" - ham, turkey, and sausage on a sub roll. $8. And who knows how many calories.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Does it also keep twilight fans away?

I like Trader Joe's, the hard to categorize discount gourmet retailer. Mostly because they have a ton of convenient, reasonably priced, tasty, and not too unhealthy foods. But also because it's a fun place to shop, and it's signs like this that make it fun. You never see Giant promoting the anti-vampire properties of their vegetables.

What stuff did Anthony see?

So what is Stuff Anthony Saw? Basically, it's a photoblog of random stuff I've taken pictures of with my iPhone as I live my life.

Over a year ago, I had started a similar photoblog, iAnthony, inspired by a co-worker's blog. I kept it up for a while but eventually it languished, and then blew up when I tried to move it from ftp to blogger hosting. iAnthony was intended to be a daily photoblog. I don't expect this to be daily, but whenever I have stuff I want to post and comment on.